Is an Online Divorce Legitimate?

Is an Online Divorce Legitimate?

Considering a divorce? Worrying if it’s legit? Could an online service help? This article will explore the truth of online divorce services so you can make the right choice for your situation.

Quick facts: Is Online Divorce Legit

  • ✅ Online Divorce in the United States increased by 60% in 2020 (CNBC).
  • ✅ Over 500,000 couples have used online services for their divorce (The Huffington Post).
  • ✅ The accuracy rate of online divorce is 96% (Divorce360).
  • ✅ Online divorce can be completed in as little as 30 days (Legal Zoom).
  • ✅ Online divorce is more affordable than the traditional divorce process (FindLaw).

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Overview of Online Divorce

A web-based divorce is an easy and cost-effective way to finish a marriage. With the help of an online service, couples can go through their divorce on the internet. They remain in control of decisions about their settlement.

The process starts with both parties filling out an online questionnaire. This has detailed info about their situation, such as assets and debts. This form is then sent to the relevant court. The court looks at it, considers all the facts, and then makes a judgment or order to solve the couple’s remaining issues.

An online divorce is legal and binding, like any other divorce. But it doesn’t always need all the costs of traditional proceedings, such as:

  • lawyers’ fees
  • filing fees
  • trips to court

By avoiding these costs, couples can save money while still getting closure in good time.

What is an online divorce?

An online divorce is becoming ever more popular. It allows couples to get divorced from the comfort of their own home. This saves them money on legal fees and gets it done quickly. A qualified professional helps them with the necessary paperwork and answers any questions.

An online divorce can be completed in two weeks, depending on the situation. Most take longer. It is also referred to as “uncontested” as both parties agree to the terms without court proceedings.

Advantages and disadvantages

An online divorce can be a legit way to end a marriage. It’s cheaper and faster than other options. Plus, it’s private. But, it may not provide legal advice like a lawyer or mediator would. Make sure the online service is reliable and follows state regulations.

Some states don’t recognize online divorces, so couples may have to go through court anyway.

Legality of Online Divorce

Online divorce is becoming a popular choice for couples. It is convenient, cheaper, and often faster. Laws vary in different places. To go ahead with an online divorce, both parties must agree in some states, while in others just one must agree. There are places where online divorce is not legally accepted.

Couples wanting a quick and economical way out of marriage might try an online divorce service without going to court. This is risky as it isn’t legally binding or safe in case of any problems. Before using an online divorce service, people should check the law in their area and consider consulting a lawyer.

State-specific laws

Online divorce companies rely on state-specific laws. Each state has different laws and regulations regarding marriage age, and child custody after a divorce. Online companies must know these laws to accurately guide couples through the process. They also must be familiar with the paperwork needed in each state to obtain a legal divorce.

By understanding state-specific laws, an online divorce company can provide couples with accurate information. They can also access other resources that may help in this stressful situation.

Requirements for a valid divorce

To get a valid divorce, certain criteria must be met. These may differ depending on where the divorce is taking place. Generally, both spouses must agree to the reasons for the split. In some countries, they must have lived apart for a few years. Plus, claims like child support must be settled first. Lastly, certain documents and forms need to be filed and signed by both parties.

Remember to make sure all criteria are fulfilled if you want your online divorce to be legally binding.

Process and Requirements

The process for a legal online divorce differs state-by-state. Both spouses must agree about dividing assets for the marriage to end legally. Some states need a notary public to witness the paperwork. In some cases, one or both need to go to a courthouse hearing before the divorce is finalized.

Each spouse must provide proof of income and disclose any financial assets they own. The court typically needs financial documents like bank statements, tax returns and pay stubs. Online divorces are only possible if both parties agree. Otherwise, other legal proceedings will be needed for an uncontested or contested divorce.

Filing the paperwork

Finish the online divorce papers first. Then, double-check for mistakes and omissions. Contact the court where the divorce is being filed. They need to know you’re seeking a divorce. Depending on your state, you may need to pay filing fees.

  1. After the paperwork is accepted, wait for a court decision.
  2. Attend mediation sessions.

Obtaining a court order

A court order can be obtained in two ways: the conventional in-person method, or an online divorce service. If you go for the traditional route, you must file documents and get a lawyer to handle paperwork and represent you at the court hearing. You must attend the hearing for the judge to review your evidence and decide on your case.

Online divorce services, like ADHD Online, make this easier. You just need to fill in a questionnaire and answer questions about your situation. The ADHD Online team will do the paperwork for you and guide you through each step of the divorce procedure. They will submit the documents to the court for a judge to make the ruling.

Online Divorce Services

History-Is an Online Divorce Legitimate?

Online divorce services are becoming more and more popular. They are a secure, fast, and convenient way to end a marriage. No court hearings are needed.

  • Couples can do all the paperwork from home or work.
  • They don’t have to pay expensive attorney fees.
  • The process takes less time than an in-person hearing.
  • It also costs less. So, couples save more money.

Legitimate services

Online divorces have become more and more popular in the past ten years. This allows couples to save time and money. Research is important before choosing a service. This ensures valid legal advice and accepted paperwork.

The questionnaire asks about finances, assets, child custody, and other details. Questions are specific to each state’s laws. Most services offer a divorce agreement and instructions for extra paperwork.

Accurate instructions must be followed or documents may be rejected by court clerks. Seeking legal advice is advised before signing any binding documents. This is especially important when there are children or complex financial matters.

Warning signs of fraudulent services

When considering an online divorce, be aware of warning signs of fraudulent services. Some offer low-cost, but not legally binding services, leaving couples vulnerable.

Warning signs include:

  • No physical office or license
  • Lack of secure payment options or encrypted websites
  • Poorly written/outdated forms
  • Claims of divorcing without attorney

Research customer reviews and confirm validity of online service before signing up. Work with established law firm or mediator, who is knowledgeable about local laws, regulations, and procedures. Legitimate attorneys follow ethical codes of conduct and provide protection against legal issues that may arise.

Alternatives to Online Divorce

Want an alternative to online divorce? Consider mediation, collaborative law, traditional legal methods, or arbitration. With mediation, both parties work with a mediator to settle their differences and reach an agreement. Collaborative law means both parties, with their attorneys and any other relevant professionals, work together to resolve their divorce issues without court. Traditional legal methods involve having legal representation and may include child support, custody, spousal support, and division of assets. Lastly, arbitration allows parties to pick an arbitrator who reviews evidence and renders a decision on the matter.

Traditional divorce

Traditional divorce is when two spouses can’t agree. They must get two attorneys and go to court. This can be long and costly. But it’s necessary if they can’t work out the issues themselves.

If you’re considering filing for traditional divorce, find an experienced attorney you trust. They will understand your needs. Usually, traditional divorces are best for couples with lots of assets or those looking for a fair resolution.


Mediation is a type of divorce that lets couples sidestep court. They negotiate the details of their separation and dissolution voluntarily. Often, they have attorneys representing them. With a neutral mediator, they can find common ground.

If they reach an agreement, the mediator drafts a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU). This MOU covers the main legal issues:

  • dividing assets and debts,
  • alimony/spousal support, and
  • child custody/child support.

Mediation can be cheaper than getting separate lawyers. But it does take longer, since both must agree on each issue, or agree to disagree, before proceeding.

Collaborative divorce

Collaborative divorce is different than mediation. Couples work with professionals, rather than on their own. It gives them control over their separation and reduces costly litigation. It also takes less time. Plus, both spouses have lawyers who look out for them, while also keeping communication respectful. Lastly, the process is discreet, since it relies mainly on out-of-court negotiations.

FAQs about: Is Online Divorce Legit


Q1: Is online divorce legit?

A1: Yes, online divorce is a legitimate way to legally end a marriage. However, it is important to ensure that you follow all the necessary steps required to complete the process.

Q2: What documents do I need for an online divorce?

A2: You will need to provide information about your marriage, your financial situation, and any children you may have. You will also need to provide your personal information and contact details.

Q3: Is there any cost associated with online divorce?

A3: Yes, there may be a cost associated with online divorce, depending on the service provider you choose. It is important to understand the fees associated with the service before you commit to using it.